Hello There
I'm Brandee
I’m originally from Rhode Island and I now call New York City home. I grew up playing sports and loving school. I remember how my mom always made us warm oatmeal on winter days so we would go to school with full bellies, and eventually took me to yoga classes with her when I got older. And so began my journey into health and wellness.

About Me
I had always considered myself relatively healthy yet, like many of us, I was always trying new diets and confused about nutrition.
Believe it or not, it all started when I read the book Skinny Bitch, which inspired me to learn about where our food really comes from and what true health really means.
This new found information motivated me to receive my graduate degree in nutrition and exercise physiology.
After working in corporate America for a few years, I realized this was not my path, immediately quit my job, and flew to India on yoga teacher training scholarship. My friends call this my “eat, pray, love” experience (haha) and they’re probably right.
This part of my journey provided me the time and space to dive deeper into who I was and what was important to me.
​The exposure to India and its ancient traditions opened my eyes to a whole new world.
Since then I have been fortunate to combine my passions for traveling and wellness, giving me the opportunity to see the world through new cultures, new food and new people. This has all helped to inform my outlook on self-care, nutrition, and yoga as the union of mind, body, spirit and overall health. The more I learn, the more I can be present and full of gratitude.
The challenges of modern life are many and I strive to help my clients live in balance. Perfection does not exist, being present is our constant reminder that life is a cycle of giving and receiving and of loving and being loved.
BE Wellness is a health-centered practice, open to all, regardless of sex, gender, orientation, weight, or other self-identifying characteristics.
Whatever healthy goal you have, I am here to support you and help you get there.
BE love. BE you. BE well.

Masters of Science, Nutrition & Exercise Physiology, Teachers College Columbia University
Bachelor of Science, Sports Biology & Chemistry, Springfield College
Registered Dietitian-Nutritionist (RDN), CDN (certified in NYS & IL)
Registered Yoga Teacher 200-hour, Akshi Yogashala, Rishikesh India
Certified Health Coach, American Council on Exercise
First-Aid/CPR/AED Certified